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Wisdom Quotes

Wisdom Quotes
- When you let go, you create space for better things to enter your life.

- Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become characters. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.

- Life is all about balance. Be kind, but don’t let people abuse you. Trust, but don’t be deceived. Be content, but never stop improving yourself.

- Overthinking is the biggest cause of unhappiness.

- You don’t have to be positive all the time. It’s perfectly okay to feel sad, angry, annoyed, frustrated, scared or anxious. Having feelings doesn’t make you a “negative person”. It makes you human.

- If you have a family that loves you, a few good friends, food on your table, and a roof over your head, you are richer than you think.

- Don’t be afraid to fail, be afraid not to try.

- You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.

- The biggest communication problem is we don’t listen to understand. We listen to reply.

- The secret of being happy is accepting where you are in life and making the most out of every day.

- You can’t control everything. Sometimes you just need to relax and have faith that things will work out. Let go a little and just let life happen.

- Life is better when you’re laughing.

- Spend the day appreciating every little thing that comes your way, and you’ll end the day feeling deeply grateful for your life.

- Don’t wait everything to be perfect to enjoy your life.

- Live one day at a time; keep your attention in present time. Have no expectation, make no judgement. And give up the need to know why things happen as they do. Give it up.

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