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My Mother

My Mother
My mother is a woman like no other. She gave me life, nurtured me, taught me, dressed me, fought for me, held me, shouted me, kissed me, but most importantly she love me unconditionally.

There are not enough words to describe just how important my mother was to me, and what a powerful influence she continues to be. A mother is not who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take. A mother may be educated or uneducated but she is the “Best Guide” and the “Last Hope” in the world when you fail in your life.

Being a mother is the highest paid job in the world, since the payment is in pure love!

Age 10: I love you mom
Age 14: My mom is so annoying
Age 18: I wanna leave this house
Age 25: Mom, you were right
Age 30: Mom, forgive me
Age 50: I don’t wanna lose my mom
Age 70: Mom, I love you so much

Always love your mother because you will never get another.

Mothers hold their child’s hand for a moment and their heart for a lifetime.

A boy asked his mom: “How will I be able to find the right woman for me?” The mom answered: “Don’t worry about finding the right woman, just concentrate on becoming the right man.”


1. One person who does the work of twenty for free
2. A woman who loves unconditionally
3. Always caring, nurturing and giving

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