Balance Sheet of Life

- Birth is your : Opening Stock
- What comes to you is Credit
- What goes from you is Debit
- Your idea are your Assets
- Your bad habits are your Liabilities
- Your character is your Capital
- Your happiness is your Profit
- Your sorrow is your Loss
- Your knowledge is your Investment
- Your age is your Depreciation
- Death is your : Closing stock
And finally : God is your Auditor
# Always endeavor to have a perfect Balance Sheet because your Auditor will come back sooner than later.
KegagalanSoichiro Honda berkata, "Apa yang orang lihat dari kesuksesan saya hanya 1%, tapi 99% yang tidak terlihat adalah kegagalan saya".
HappyIf you want to be happy for an hour, take a nap;
If you want to be happy for a day, go fishing;
True FriendsTrue friends say good things behind your back